
Web 2.0 Leverag’s The Long Tail

Traditional retail before the  e-commerce  era  needed to have suitable advertisment to achieve success. However , the Internet is an alternative  solution because it is considered as a powerful  tool to reach consumers  with products and services, without  plus  the fact that  the  internet  is a worldwide phenomenon. Products in this virtual environment can be sold to shoppers with lower prices and overheads than traditional markets. According to Frost & Sullivan Company research about “ Australian online shopping market and digital insights” they state that:

“In 2013, 88% (86% in 2011) of online shoppers in Australia are expecting to maintain or increase their online expenditure, indicating that there is solid momentum in online shopping uptake.” Continue reading


LinkedIn – Professional’s gadget for Harnessing Collective Intelligence.

What is collective intelligence?

“The combining of behaviour, preference or ideas of a group of people to create novel insights.”– Toby Segaran

How many of us find it difficult looking for a job?

A short way to have a new job or even a better one is by going through personal connections. For example, managers like to hire people who are recommended to them by a person they trust, which is why expanding your relationships in your field is very important. Continue reading